Our Blog

Our Blog

From our sales reps to our shipping managers, we have insight about how to make your jobs easier and your publishing efforts more successful. Tune in.

To Perfect Bind or Saddle Stitch, That is the Question

By Peter Joslin
Finishing & Distribution Manager/Lane Press
Should we perfect bind or saddle stitch our book?

I hear this question […]

Digital First: A Radical Idea for Print Publishers

By Beth Renaud
Marketing Manager/Lane Press
For traditional publishers with a predominantly print-first workflow, the idea of going “digital first” is […]

3 Steps to Attracting Readers in Print AND Online

By April Sellers
National Account Executive/Lane Press
Now is a great time to be a consumer. We have it so good, […]

How To Get Great Art for Your Magazine … On a Budget

By Betsy Robertson
National Account Executive/Lane Press
In chatting with my customers—most of whom are alumni magazine editors and designers—there’s one […]

5 Tips for Planning an Alumni Magazine Redesign

By Betsy Robertson
National Account Executive/Lane Press
I often use the phrase “shelf life” to describe what makes printed magazines different—and […]


Today, we think of ourselves as a business partner to our customers, entrenched and integral to their success. That’s […]